Contact & Directions
The Country Club of Darien
300 Mansfield Avenue
United States
(203) 655-9726
Via Connecticut Turnpike (I-95) - Exit 11. Make a left onto Post Road. Follow straight under Turnpike, continue under railroad bridge and at the second light after the railroad bridge, make a left onto Route 124 (Mansfield Avenue). Proceed 1.5 miles - the Club entrance is on the right.
Via Merritt Parkway (Route 15) - Exit 37. Make a right onto Mansfield Avenue. Proceed 1.5 miles - the Club entrance is on the left.
From New Haven
Via Connecticut Turnpike (I-95) - Exit 13. Make a left onto the Post Road. Follow to Darien Fire House (on left side) and Post Corner Pizza (on right side). Turn right onto Route 124 (Mansfield Avenue). Proceed 1.5 miles the Club entrance is on the right. Via Merritt Parkway (Route 15) - Exit 37. Make a right onto Mansfield Avenue. Proceed 1.5 miles - the Club entrance is on the left.
Surrounding Map Area: